Camp Fire volunteers are vital to supporting the outreach and successes of the organization. Each year more than 500 volunteers from the community donate their time, skills, and expertise to help youth find their sparks and discover their passions. Our volunteers serve in a variety of functions from board service and organizational oversight to working with youth in our programs. Many roll up their sleeves to improve a playground or after school program site by painting, planting flowers or cleaning.

Help us recognize them for their efforts.

All forms will be submitted to the nominations committee for review and selection. If your nominee is chosen to receive an award, we’ll let you know so you can support them when they are recognized.

Ernst Young receiving Blue Ribbon Award

National Awards

Blue Ribbon Award

This national award is for very special volunteers or supportive community persons who have given “above and beyond.”

Wakan Award

This award is given for exceptional and imaginative leadership and service to youth and the community for a period of several years.

Hiiteni Award

This award is for extensive and innovative service to youth and the community for 6 to 10 years. The pin is a replica of the original guardian’s pin. This award is named in honor of Mrs. Luther Halsey Gulick, whose Camp Fire Indian name was “Hiiteni,” which means “life, more abundant, and desire for attainment.”

Good News Award

This award is given to recognize outstanding contributions to the council’s public relations efforts. It may be given to volunteer staff, board and committee members who make significant contributions to communicating the Camp Fire message. It may also be awarded for efforts in general areas of advocacy, public relations and community relations, through writing, art, public speaking, testifying, photography or media relations.

Sebago Award

This award is designed to recognize outstanding volunteers in the field of camping and outdoor programs, such as camp counselors, camp committee members, financial contributors, site developers, program coordinators, trainers, etc. The sun symbol depicts the out-of-doors. It is named after the Gulick’s camp in Maine.

Charlotte Joy Farnsworth Award

This award recognizes contributions to a region, district or large geographic section of the council in the area of broad overall administrative operations. It is named in honor of one of the founding members of the organization.

John Collier Award

This is designed to recognize outstanding contributions in the field of business and finance, such as treasurers, finance committee members, finance consultants, contributors, fund raisers, or product sale personnel. It is named in honor of one of the founding fathers of the organization, who later became the U. S Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Collier also wrote the “Fire Maker’s Desire.”

Ernest Thompson Seton Award

This award is for outstanding, creative contributions to the council. It is reserved for four or more years of service so outstanding that it is recognized throughout the council. This award honors one of Camp Fire’s founders, who also designed the first symbols used in Camp Fire.

Luther Halsey Gulick Award

This award is the highest form of recognition in the local council and recognizes extraordinary council leadership over an extended period of time. It is reserved for very special people and named after the founder of Camp Fire, Luther Halsey Gulick. Its symbolic gold pin depicts crossed logs and flame within the traditional WoHeLo triangle.

Local Awards

Chairman’s Award

This award is presented annually by the Chairman of the Board of Directors for devoted and outstanding service to the Chairman.

Mattie Mae and Bucy Ingram Award

This award is given for longstanding service in the field of camping and is given in memory of Mattie Mae and Bucy Ingram, camping volunteers. Any adult member is eligible, including committee members, leaders, outdoor trainers or consultants, day camp volunteer staff, etc. Bucy Ingram was camping chairman during the early days of El Tesoro and Mattie Mae Ingram was a National Board member.

Robert W. Spurck Award

This award is given for longstanding service in financial development or product sale and may be given to an individual, program leader, or committee member. It is given in memory of Robert W. Spurck, a former council president.

Alann P. Bedford Award

This award is given in memory of Alann P. Bedford, the first volunteer from the First Texas Council to serve as national president of Camp Fire. It recognizes significant contributions by an individual or group to the council, community, or youth in furtherance of Camp Fire’s mission. Prior to 2004, it was given for significant contributions as a member of an Area Service Team or similar group.

Clarence Kraft Award

This award is given in memory of Judge Clarence Kraft, a former council president, for significant contributions to the extension and growth of Camp Fire.

Louise M. Fargher Award

This award is given in memory of Louise Fargher, who served the First Texas Council as El Tesoro director and Executive Director. She was later on the national staff of Camp Fire. It is given to recognize distinctive and outstanding contributions to the council in the area of programs for youth.

Rosie Mauk Award

This award recognizes significant contributions to the improvement of child care or conditions which affect children. It may be given to a volunteer within Camp Fire’s Work/Family programs or to an individual or group whose contributions are more far-reaching. Given in honor of Rosie Mauk, who served as campaign chair during the addition of the Work/Family programs to the First Texas Council and who later served as national president of Camp Fire.

Lynn Ross Award

This award is given in memory of Lynn Ross, a long time supporter of Camp Fire. It is given for outstanding service to traditionally underserved populations and areas through the Community Services programs.

Jonathan Y. Ballard Award

The award honors individuals who have provided superior service in the general area of administration, such as human resources, board leadership, risk management or other administrative, professional and business fields. Given in honor of the late Jonathan Ballard, a director at Southland Corporation, who was a benefactor who made a significant contribution to the Council and Foundation through his will.

Ella C. McFadden Service to Youth Award

This award, given by the First Texas Council, recognizes the accomplishments of organizations and individuals that serve youth, heighten public awareness of the needs of young people and encourages others in the community to invest time and money to help improve the lives of young people.

Ann Sheets, Delana Legans receiving Blue Ribbon Award 2015
L-R, Deborah Ferguson, Juan Ocura, Vicente Ocura, Samantha Ocura
Nell Herbert Johnson receiving Sebago Award
Randi Mitchell receiving Good News Award