Our organization’s strength lies in our past, present and future. It is with the support of our volunteers, alumni and our national headquarters we can further our mission and create positive impacts in the communities we serve.
I don’t get stuck because I can always come back to the growth mindset that I learned from Camp Fire…
Jakob D., College Senior; Camp Fire Alum, Former Counselor
My time as a Camp Fire camp counselor is something I'm especially proud of. I learned to never give up, to always keep trying...what I learned from Camp Fire has helped me of live my life with forward momentum. I keep trying to learn new skill sets. I don’t get stuck because I can always come back to the growth mindset that I learned from Camp Fire, and from my elders.
I saw some spark come back to my son, and I am a grateful mama.
Camp Parent
My son had many difficulties in 3rd grade, and he was so defeated by the end of the school year. He wasn't excited about a new camp, but quickly changed his mind after the first day. He also won a Leadership Award, and for the kid that didn't win anything all school year, it was so very meaningful. I saw some spark come back to my son, and I am a grateful mama.