Time. Where does it go and are we making memorable moments with our children?
Decades, years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds – there never seems to be enough time and it passes before you know it. In our day-to-day lives we always seem to be strapped for time. To most people, it seems like there is never enough time in the day to complete the all the things we would like to get done. Busy as bees moving here and there; time commuting, time shopping, time planning events, time working on projects, time cleaning around the house, time cooking for the family, time doing laundry, time participating in community engagements and the list goes on.
Our modern society has found ways to try to recoup our lost time. We have accelerated speed limits and expressway to lessen our commute, cyber shopping/curb side pick- up, time management trainings to develop priorities, call-up maid service, microwaves and fast food to speed up the cooking/meal process, fully prepared meals (Home Chef, Hello Fresh, Sun Basket), FaceTime/chatting and online religious services. In the sum of our time, where are the memorable moments with our children?
Time goes so fast, but we must remember to ensure we are making memorable moments with our children. It might seem difficult, but it only takes a moment. When I think about what was most important to me as a child, it was the memorable moments. My memorable moments were times spent with either my mom or dad and I knew they were fully present and engaged in whatever we were doing at that time. The most memorable times with my dad was just holding his hand, walking and having conversations with him (forehead kisses also) and with my mom it was helping her cook a meal or folding laundry while conversing – those times were amazing.
It turns out there are many benefits to having memorable moments with our children. Of course, spending time with your child strengthens the parent/child bond but making memorable moments have been proven to lessen negative behavior issues in children, it promotes positive mental and emotional health and improves physical health. As parents, let us remember every moment with our children counts. Making these unforgettable moments promotes well-being for everyone. Maybe you’re finding it challenging to find time to make memorable moments. Check out this article from Parent Magazine with tips on how to plan for quality time. As a Baby Boomer I have experienced four generations of American lifestyles, and while cultures may change, the thing that remains the same is the human need for quality time and memorable moments. Make memorable moments with your child.
“Humans, not places, make memories.”
― Ama Ata Aidoo