meet henery

When a youth comes to summer camp they meet new friends, have new experiences, and have fun while learning and growing. It is wonderous thing to see how the experience of camp can pull two friends together. Fewer friendships form as quickly as Henry and Henry’s friendship.

When they first introduced themselves on day one, they made an incredible discovery.

“Hi, I’m Henry,” Henry H. said.

“I’m Henry, too!” Henry T. said back.

The two immediately became friends. During outside time the two will play tag, and four-square with each other and other friends they have made at Camp Fire Westcliff Day Camp. Henry H.’s favorite part of camp is on Fridays when the campers can bring their own toys from home, while Henry T.’s favorite activity is playing with Legos and using them to make giant ships to play with.

Beyond their time at camp, both Henrys have plans their own summer vacations. Henry H. plans to go to a water park with his best friend at the end of the summer. Henry T.’s plans are simpler as he just wants a few days to relax at home.

The Camp Fire Spark of each of these friends also complement each other. Henry H. says his Spark is baseball and helping people up when they fall. Henry T.’s Spark is playing with his friends and making sure everyone is happy. Together these two make the whole camp a little bit brighter.

Guest blogger, Colt Taylor, is a writing intern for Camp Fire First Texas. He is completing his degree in communication from Texas Wesleyan University.